Pet lover left with neighbor’s cat
DEAR HARRIETTE: I really love pets, especially cats, and I always make sure they’re well taken care of by taking them to the nearest vet to keep them healthy and safe. Recently, my neighbor asked me to look after her cat for what she said would be a few days, but it’s now been four weeks, and she still hasn’t returned. While I love animals and have been doing my best to care for the cat, this wasn’t something I agreed to. It’s starting to become a strain on my schedule and finances, and I’m concerned about the added responsibility. I don’t want the cat to suffer due to my neighbor’s lack of responsibility, but I really don’t know how to address this with her without creating conflict. — Unexpected Pet Responsibilities DEAR UNEXPECTED PET RESPONSIBILITIES: This is no time to be passive. Call your neighbor and tell her that you have cared for her cat for as long as you can; it is time to return and take it back.