Fallowfield Township to seek new sanitation contract
Supervisors cited frequent complaints from residents.
Fallowfield Township supervisors have decided to take a proactive approach to ensure garbage collection runs more smoothly.
On Wednesday, supervisors agreed to advertise for a new garbage contract — once updated language is finalized by its solicitor.
The township’s current three-year agreement with County Hauling expires Dec. 31.
The contract includes two option years that could have extended the deal, but after reviewing the company’s performance over the past three years and taking complaints into consideration, the township decided to not go that route.
Chairman Bruce Smith said supervisors met with the company last month at their request to discuss ongoing problems with the service.
“They tried to explain how they will improve and what they have done to make changes,” Smith said. “But we pretty much told them we were not interested in renewing that contract for an extension.”
County Hauling took over garbage service in the township in January 2022.
The company was one of two bidders for the job, along with Republic Services Inc., which had provided refuse service in the township for many years.
County Hauling came in as the low bidder for the job, but there have been problems with the service since it took over.
Township Secretary Karen Talbert said she frequently hears from residents.
“We have had a lot of complaints, I can’t tell you how many since they started,” she said. “The first year, you know, you expect there to be some hiccups. Especially in the first few months thinking it might take awhile for them to get settled, so you try to stick up for them.”
She said while things have improved over time, there are still lingering issues.
“I am the person fielding those calls, taking the complaints, then calling the company to try to get it rectified,” she said. “There have been a lot of issues on and off, and I do think the company recognizes that because they met with the supervisors recently.”
Talbert said the company provided the township with its own email to allow officials to directly communicate issues. She said that has been helpful, but complaints keep coming.
“Calls keep happening, I get them every week,” Talbert said. “I had two this week from houses that were missed.”
Talbert knows that it isn’t the SANITATION •A5
“They tried to explain how they will improve and what they have done to make changes. But we pretty much told them we were not interested in renewing that contract for an extension.”
CHAIRMAN company’s fault if someone forgets to place their trash outside in time or place out an item that is too heavy.
“But they take a picture, if there is no trash, they take a photo and it has the address and time, which I think is smart,” she said. “People can make things up as well, so maybe sometimes it’s not always them, but people can get frustrated.”
Supervisors unanimously agreed Wednesday to re-advertise the service with updated language to protect them moving forward.
“The problem with our current and previous contracts is that we have never left ourselves an out to break the contract, for poor performance or whatever the case may be,” Smith said. “So Tom (Agrafiotis) has been working on language that clarifies that. That way, when someone bids, they will know upfront that if, for whatever reason, we have the right to terminate within a given time frame.
“It (the contract) is not finished, but that is what we are headed to.”
Smith said County Hauling could choose to bid for the job again, and may be the only company interested.
“They could bid on the new contract if they want,” Smith said. “… They could be the only bidder, but we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.”
In other business, supervisors agreed to solicit bids to replace their HVAC system and potentially purchase an emergency generator.
They also agreed to donate $250 for a gold level sponsorship for an upcoming soccer tournament. It will be held Oct. 6 at Charleroi Trustees Park and is sponsored by the Washington County Department of Human Services.