Fish fry to benefit Elrama Tavern employees
Hundreds of cookies were handed off Thursday by members of the Monongahela Area Historical Society to employees of Elrama Tavern for a fish fry fundrasier today at Floreffe Volunteer Fire Company on State Street in Clairton. It will benefit 27 tavern employees who lost their jobs when a fire destroyed the business last month. Shown are Elrama Tavern employees Maddy Grimm, Dalton Grimm, Kodie Wagner, Kaiden Bubash, Kenzie Lanetz, Haleigh Jones, Shannon Uremovich and Anthony Lauso with historical society members Stephanie Woods, Ellie Woods, Wanda Magone, Francine Mizwa, Bob White, Susan Bowers, Carol Frye, Gabriella Manges and Laura Magone, who serves as an administrator for the wedding cookie table Facebook page and sought volunteers to bake for the event. It will begin at 11 a.m. and continue until everything is sold.