Epiphany Ladies
A May crowning ceremony was held prior to the Epiphany Ladies meeting at the Epiphany of Our Lord Church, Monessen. Vice President Sara Stein presented flowers while Sophia Janol crowned the Blessed Mother.
Following the ceremony, members were invited to a social in the church hall. President Lianne DeFelices opened the business meeting with the flag pledge. April meeting minutes were dispensed. The treasurer’s report was given by Sara Stein in the absence of Alice Pastella.
Ways and Means Chairman Betty Geis reported on the status of the Prayer Shawl Group and that white baby shawls will be needed in the future for baptisms.
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women President Kathy Byron reported on the Pro-Life Breakfast on Oct. 19. More information will follow. Byron asked to remember in prayer – Deacons John Torres, Craig Alexander and David Slusarick, who will be ordained priests on June 1 at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral.
DeFelices thanked all who purchased tickets or helped at the spaghetti dinner with the Knights of Columbus.
Graduate Mass and brunch will be held after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday.
Cindy Pawelec reported on a Haunted Night at the Races that will be held Oct. 26 in the church hall. The next planning meeting will be held 6 p.m. July 16.
Election results of new officers for 202426 are: President Stein, Vice President Jamie Todd, Secretary Sue Campus, and Treasurer Pastella.
Flowers for Mary’s Shrine were provided by Janol and Ruth and Jamie Todd. Officers were hosts of the meeting.
Stein led the Three Hail Mary’s with the intentions of all priests and seminarians, sick and deceased members and personal intentions.
The next gathering will be the covered dish dinner in the church hall at 6 p.m. June 11.