Butler is new manager in Elizabeth Township
By Christine Haines
Elizabeth Township is moving into a new administrative era under the direction of a township manager.
Commissioners filled the post Monday by voting unanimously, with Andrew Kuzma absent, to hire Greg Butler, who has been the acting office manager for the past several months in addition to his duties as assistant code enforcement officer.
Commissioners made no decision on filling the office manager’s or assistant code officer’s positions. Butler will be paid $78,000 a year with a three-year contract.
“We collectively agree we want you to lead us for the next three years,” said Bart Rocco, president of the commissioners. “The key for all of us is to let you drive the show. That’s how I think this will be effective in the community.”
Butler said he looks forward to working with the commissioners.
“Let’s open communications and be honest about what needs to be done,” Butler said.
To read the rest of the story, please see a copy of Tuesday’s Mon Valley Independent, call 724-314-0035 to subscribe or subscribe to our online edition at http://monvalleyindependent.com.