Washington Twp.: Supervisors warn of car break-ins
The Washington Township board of supervisors is asking residents to make sure their car doors are locked.
During Wednesday’s meeting, board President Chuck Yusko said there have been multiple instances of cars getting broken into in the township over the past few months.
“There’s been some recent incidents where people are going into other people’s cars and those people’s cars weren’t locked,” he said. “Start locking your car doors.”
Also during the meeting, the supervisors said residents have expressed concerns that they don’t know the address for the township website where ordinances, zoning maps, calendars of events and township meetings and more can be viewed. The site can be viewed at washingtontownshipbellevernon.org.
The supervisors also encouraged residents to download the Savvy Citizen application to their Apple or Android devices. Through Savvy Citizen, an informational app designed to keep residents of small communities informed about news and happenings in town, citizens can learn about meeting times and dates, events and emergency situations occurring in the township.
In other business, the board accepted its 2019 Public Utility Commission Act 13 gas well impact fee payment of $57,446.
Pennsylvania is distributing $109 million in 2019 Act 13 funds to county and municipal governments most impacted by drilling. Additionally, the Marcellus Legacy Fund will get $72.1 million to pay for environmental, highway, water and sewer projects, to rehabilitate greenways and other projects throughout the state. State agencies will get $18.3 million.
This year’s distribution is approximately $42.6 million lower than last year, driven primarily by the average price of natural gas in 2019 being lower than it was in 2018, the PUC said. The federal Energy Information Administration doesn’t project an increase in the price of natural gas until 2021.
There are 11 wells in Washington Township that are taxed by Act 13, according to the PUC’s website.