County League aiming for return to field
There may soon be an outlet for all those baseball players looking to get back on the field this summer.
Fayette County Baseball League President Ryan Encapera said Friday with counties moving into the governor’s green phase of reopening, the league is hoping to get back to playing later this month.
“We’ve had a couple of meetings on the phone and we were waiting for everything to be deemed green,” Encapera said. “Now with that happening, we’re hoping to get things going again.”
The biggest challenge awaiting the league is getting its home fields.
“I’d definitely say securing the fields is the most pressing thing,” Encapera said. “Not having a field to play on is something that can stop us from being able to play.”
Mitch’s Bail Bonds, which Encapera manages, plays home games at Vets Field in Charleroi. Encapera rents the field from the Mon Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce.
“I’ll follow the normal protocol, which is I’ll call them and we’ll talk about it,” he said. “We talked already and we were just waiting for everything to go into green. Even late in the month, that will put us a few weeks into green, so I think we’ll be good to go.”