Church offers drive-through prayer
Gospel Alliance Church in Rostraver Township is taking a new approach to offering prayer while services are canceled.
A drive-through prayer initiative was announced this week by Rev. Robert Riconda. Associate Pastor Alan Petke and Director of Small Groups Julie Riconda are leading the effort.
“Julie brought it up to us and we thought it was a great idea, so we just ran with it,” Petke said. “We thought it could be very meaningful given the current circumstances.”
Drive-through prayer is designed to keep area residents connected with their faith during a time of crisis.
The church, located along Route 51 South and Fells Church Road in Rostraver Township, will offer drive-through prayer from 10 a.m. to noon Sundays, 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to noon Fridays.
Church and community members can pull into the church parking lot and drive around to a prayer station.
“As the pandemic evolves daily, many are feeling lonely, disconnected or overwhelmed,” Riconda said. “We are offering a safe place to drive through and be prayed for.
“Let’s care for each other during these uncertain times.”
Petke said the response from the community and the congregation has been good.
“We have had a number of cars go through,” Petke said. “But I think a lot of people are being very cautious.
“We did not go into this with expectations and are happy to pray and care for anyone who pulls up.”
Sunday, he said, was very well attended.
“We saw a lot of our church family come through,” Petke said. “We had some come through alone and others pulled up with the whole family the car.”
Petke said it’s important to show love during a tough time.
“We wanted to connect in a meaningful way to those who may be lonely, struggling or overwhelmed during all of this to have a place to drive-up and be prayed for and loved,” Petke said.
Social distancing is being maintained.
“Even though we are observing the recommended social distancing measures, this is a way to still connect and have that person touch,” Petke said. “Not only for our church family, but for anyone in the community who wants to be prayed with.”
Petke said Sunday hours will remain the same, but weekday hours could be adjusted depending on the response.
“We are going to continue to do this as long as our church is not able to gather,” Petke said.
While Sunday services and Wednesday family night are temporarily postponed, youths, adult groups and families meet through video calls.
Riconda also posts videos of messages and sends weekly and daily updates through email and the Remind101 texting service.
Links to videos and previous audio sermons are available to watch on the Gospel Alliance Church Facebook page or at
For more information call 724-823-0453.