Tempers flare at Monongahela council meeting
Voices were raised and things got a little heated at Wednesday’s Monongahela city council meeting.
D.J. Fogiato, the praise and worship service coordinator at First Christian Church in Monongahela, said he was there to ask council for leniency for an upcoming event in Chess Park.
Fogiato explained that his organization has put up a tent each year without problems for at least 15 years to hold a praise and worship event in the park.
But, Fogiato said, he understood that in the past few years there has been an issue with putting tent poles into the ground.
Fogiato said it has been suggested that the church use sandbags to secure the tent instead of inserting the poles into the ground, but he is concerned that sandbags will not be enough to anchor the very large tent and make it safe.
“Someone could get hurt,” Fogiato said.
He pointed to the massive storms the area has had lately and often has in August, when the event is planned.
“Your request is denied,” Councilman Rusty Polonoli said. “You received a letter in October 2010 about several things that were not up to speed.”
Polonoli said that as chairman of parks and recreation in the city, he was denying the request.
Fogiato said he didn’t believe he’d seen the letter in question and didn’t know which problems Polonoli was speaking about. The councilman gave Fogiato a copy of the letter.
City resident Joe Ravasio called out from the audience, “That was nine years ago, Rusty.”
“Things were put in place to keep the parks nice and the way I understand it, there (can be) damage to the electric lines,” Polonoli said. “Things needed to be repaired and that’s when all this was put in (to the contract).”
“So, no leniency at all? I’m a little disappointed,” Fogiato said.
Polonoli said there are rules and regulations to take care of city property and “everyone wants leniency.”
To read the rest of the story, please see a copy of Thursday’s Mon Valley Independent, call 724-314-0035 to subscribe or subscribe to our online edition at http://monvalleyindependent.com.